I'm so sick of hurting, and so sick of being told "wait until you're older, then you'll be thankful." Yes, I'm only 37, so I suppose that means I'm really not in pain, it's just my imagination. Quit fricking patronizing me! Just because I'm not over 50, or 60, or whatever the magic age seems to be for allowing pain, doesn't mean I don't hurt on a daily basis!
For the record, I'm going to the doctor again tomorrow, now for my elbow. I know I've banged it a few times but I didn't think I did anything too bad, but it looks weird. Now, it's not as bad as it sounds or I wouldn't be here typing on the computer, but it looks like either there's a big bump on that outer bump of my elbow or a bone isn't right or something. It bothers me off and on, but is more of an ache or a throbbing than any sort of sharp pain. I can't lift much with it and it hurts for me to answer the telephone when I'm at my desk.
Add that to the tendonitis in the wrist on my other arm that never really went away, just gets better or worse, my ever-present knee pain that I've had pretty much since I was a kid, and the foot issue (something else I'm going to mention when I see the doctor tomorrow), and I'm just hurting all the time. I'm REALLY trying not to be a baby and suck it up and not complain. When I mentioned problems when someone asked me why I wasn't in the yoga class anymore, I pretty much got the "Well, be thankful that you aren't worse off." Well, thank you. I KNOW I could be worse off -- duh. However, that doesn't always help when you're in pain, you know?
Anyway, that's enough of that. I just had to get it out. I'm sick of being treated like there couldn't possibly be anything wrong and I couldn't possibly be in any "real" pain because of my age.