Mindy Memories

Friday, October 26, 2007

It's Friday!

Whew! This was a fun but tiring day. We had a breast cancer awareness day at the EARN Center today, and since it's one of my programs for PR/Communications I was part of the committee and helped out today. I have to say I was so thrilled with the turnout! This was for our clients (the EARN Center is basically a welfare-to-work program, with added benefits) and we had about 60-70 people there for most of it. We barely had room for them all, but figured it out. We had some nurses come out from the local hospital and talked about prevention and stressed how important it is to fight for yourself when it comes to doctors and not to wait for them to call you back if you find a lump -- you call them again, etc. I really liked that they stressed not only prevention and health but that you have to take responsibility for your own body when it comes to these things. The clients had a lot of questions and were really attentive, which was also great.

We had other activities throughout the day, and by the end of the day we had about half of clients left for some raffles, games, quizzes, and pink cake and pink lemonade. One of the women on our committee knew someone who works at Auntie Annie's and they gave us a huge discount on pretzels -- and shaped them into ribbons. How cool is that?

We are going to have one of these days every month, but the rest are only going to be in the morning because this one did get pretty long. It was our kick-off event, so that's OK. Next month will be diabetes. For the breast cancer event, everything was pink, everyone wore pink. Well, the color for diabetes awareness is grey -- not quite as exciting. So, were going to get silver and grey decoration, wear grey, and have a veggie tray with lowfat dip, fruit and maybe cheese and crackers. We thought we'd be sending mixed messages if we had a big sheet cake and cookies at a diabetes awareness seminar. :)

So, when I got home I pretty much chilled out on the couch for a few hours, but now I have my second wind back and am going to do some stitching. I'm working on a Mirabilia cherub for my coworker's baby shower at the end of November, and I really need to get cracking on it.



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