Mindy Memories

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Women in combat

OK, I'm going to go against what many other women think -- women should not automatically be in combat if they are in the military. Only if women can pass the same physical tests as the men should they be in combat. Now, that doesn't mean that they should make the test so hard that the men can barely make it, either.

I'm for equal rights -- equal. I don't believe that if women were in charge of everything that all would be right with the world. Heck, all you have to do is see the bitchery at some message boards and in the office to know that LOL! Oh, men are the same, but they get at each other in different ways. Anyway, I'm for "equal" rights. A woman in combat needs to be able to do the same things that a man would do. If a man needs to be able to carry out another man who is wounded, so does a woman. I don't think they should be able to get away with push-ups on their knees, etc.

Tim and I have talked about this at length and we are in agreement. He also says there was a woman in his outfit who could do more pull-ups and standard push-ups than any of the guys and that she was in better shape than anyone else there.


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