Mindy Memories

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hope all had a nice Christmas

I had a very nice and quiet Christmas. Tim and I drove about five hours north to visit my parents in Central NY. We went up Saturday and got back yesterday (Wednesday). Coming back we hit some lovely rain and sleet for the last 2 hours of the trip, but the rest of it was fine.

The nice thing about visiting The Parents is that they are once again living in Wine Country, very near to where we lived when I was growing up. So, Sunday and Monday we went to some local wineries that my parents wanted to visit again. Of course, I don't feel right going to a wine tasting and not buying some wine, so we came home with 8 bottles, lol. Tim only drinks red and I only drink white, so we always have to get a bottle for him and a bottle for me. That should last for a while. One thing I can't stand about PA is how difficult it is to get wine from other places. I don't drink California wine, tending to stick to local PA wineries or the NY wineries, but I prefer the NY wines and they are hard to get here. So, I usually stock up when I visit.

I'm very fortunate that my parents are the way they are. Many people, unfortunately, would have issues with their daughter living with a man of a different race. My parents don't care and really go out of their way to make him feel welcome. Of course, my mom made her normal Christmas dinner, which is full of food that Tim loves -- turkey, sweet potatoes, banana bread, broccoli with cheese, stuffing, etc. She sent us home with quite a bit of turkey, banana bread and her yummy Christmas cookies. If you really want to make some good sugar cookies, use the recipe in the Betty Crocker cookbook (mine is a red and white checkered pattern). It uses less sugar and also uses honey and they taste so much better than standard sugar cookies. My mom used Splenda in them and they tasted the same as always.

So, we exchanged gifts but that didn't take long as we try not to spend too much money on them. We tend to get more for our spouses than anyone else, and we pick names out of the hat so that we don't feel we have to buy for everyone. I like it so much better that way. We were never a family to go completely nuts at Christmas, but always had some nice things under the tree.

Anyway, hope everyone is having a nice holiday season. That month between Thanksgiving and New Year's sure can get a little crazy sometimes.



  • At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks for dropping by my blog! I'm glad you got to travel a bit and see your parents. I'm wondering if a place in Delaware called Total Wine (we think) on rt 7 would have what you are looking for (for the future). The Chadds Ford winery is good for local wine.
    Happy New Year!
    PS-my word verification had 'tim' in it-lol

  • At 12:05 PM, Blogger Mindy said…

    Hee hee, that's funny about the word verification. What are the odds?

    Yes, I think that if I run out of wine I'll have to check out that place in Delaware. I like some of the Chadds Ford wine. I tend to go for semi-sweet whites as I don't like dry wine. I had one there that was pretty good but I'd have to see it again to remember the name.


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